The Fabulous Life of...

The Fabulous Life of...
Genre Documentary
Written by Rebecca Eisen
Piper Weiss
Narrated by Christopher Flockton
Country of origin United States
Language(s) English
No. of episodes 209 (List of episodes)
Production company(s) Sharp Entertainment
Original channel VH1
Original airing May 1, 2003 (2003-05-01)
External links

The Fabulous Life Of... is a VH1 television series detailing the places, things, and services various celebrities enjoy. It first aired in 2003, with a special about Britney Spears. The show is tightly based on the television show Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.

The show is one of VH1's most successful, and is constantly releasing new episodes. Though most episodes are about specific people, some are about categories of people (For example: "The Fabulous Life Of Gay People").

The show is narrated by Christopher Flockton. The show has appearances by celebrities, columnists and experts, which continue the show's narration.

In 2005, The Fabulous Life of the Women of Desperate Housewives was broadcast due to the huge success of ABC's Desperate Housewives.

List of episodes

Full list of episodes on Vh1

Really Rich Real Estate

The Fabulous Life of... Really Rich Real Estate is a spin-off focusing on the Westside Estate Agency and their wealthy celebrity clients. Frankie Muniz and Inge Bongo were featured in the first episode which premiered in November 2006. Unlike The Fabulous Life of..., which focuses on the celebrities themselves, this series focuses on a business which caters to celebrities and has a different tone and style. It's like MTV Cribs, but the houses are for sale. The houses are featured because someone wants to buy or sell them with Westside.